Why Join Us?

  • Provides members with a forum for consultation and discussion with regards to issues and new developments
  • Create awareness and garner support
  • Create, develop, promote, and support opportunities from a united industry-backed front
For information on SMEF membership as well as what we can offer, you can easily download the membership package online. The membership package contains a copy of the SMEF Constitution, a membership application form and details on the works of the SMEF. Alternatively you may wish to contact the following:
The Executive Secretary,
Singapore Maritime Employers Federation
51 Goldhill Plaza, #21-10
Singapore 308900
Email: clarence_khoh@smef.org.sg
  • Each member is required to pay an annual membership fee of S$1,500 payable in advance annually to meet the running expenses of the Federation.
  • The SMEF’s financial year starts on 1 April of each year. Depending on the admission date, the subscription for a new member will be pro-rated.